THE ORBIQUET: Our secret gem of a trout stream

The Orbiquet is a beautiful little chalk stream secreted away within the folds of a picturesque, lower Normandy valley close to the town of Orbec.  Unlike many other Normandy streams, our Orbiquet beats flow clear and pure, the furthest only 8 kms from its source.

In total, we can now offer exclusive access to over 5 kms of fly only, catch and release fishing - these  private stretches have previously only been lightly fished by riparian owners and family.  


The St. Martin beat winds through picturesque farmland and meadow, fringed with thick bankside vegetation and overhanging willow trees. 

Another beautiful St Martin trout brought to hand


 This beat adjoins the top end of St Martin - the head of the stretch conveniently finishes beneath the dining terrace of The Moulin Foussard restaurant, where a delicious Normandy lunch awaits the hungry, thirsty fisherman. 

These fish would easily grace the Moulin's table - shame (for them) our beats are catch and release only.  


As the name implies, this beat is adjacent to the Source. More open in character, it offers a wonderful alternative to the more intimate beats.  And you'll probably have a horse or two for company - the owner is a keen horseman.

 This fish fresh from the source would raise a grin of pleasure on any angler's face.


Nestling in the estate grounds shadows of a beautiful Chateau - this beat is ideal for an evening rise to take your last, wonderful brown trout of the day.

Thank you, Orbiquet, for a very special day... and good night.

ENQUIRIES: For enquires and quotes on our Normandy fishing packages please use the Contact Us link at the top any page.